While some technical understanding can be beneficial, many investment companies provide user-friendly AI trading platforms that require minimal technical expertise to get started.

Yes, many investors use a hybrid approach, combining AI robots for executing trades with human oversight and strategy development.

Costs can vary based on the specific technology and services used. These may include software licensing fees, development costs, and ongoing maintenance expenses.

AI trading can benefit a wide range of investors, from individual traders to institutional investors, as it provides a disciplined and data-driven approach to trading.

1. *Advanced Algorithm Development:*
   Our company is committed to ongoing research and development in artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. By continuously improving our trading algorithms, we aim to stay ahead of market trends, adapt to changing conditions, and enhance overall performance. This commitment ensures that our trading strategies remain effective and profitable in the long term.

2. *Risk Management Protocols:*
   To safeguard the interests of our network members and investors, we implement robust risk management protocols. Our AI systems are designed not only to maximize profits but also to minimize potential losses. By prioritizing risk mitigation, we aim to create a stable and secure trading environment that fosters long-term trust and sustainability.

3. *Transparency and Accountability:*
   We place a high value on transparency and accountability. Our AI trading systems operate with clear and auditable processes, providing detailed insights into how trades are executed and profits are generated. This transparency builds trust among our network members and investors, contributing to the long-term credibility and sustainability of our company.

4. *Compliance with Regulations:*
   We are committed to complying with all relevant financial regulations and industry standards. By adhering to legal and ethical standards, we ensure the longevity of our operations and protect the interests of our stakeholders. This commitment to compliance promotes a stable business environment, contributing to the company's sustainability in the long run.

5. *Diversification of Investment Strategies:*
   To adapt to changing market conditions and mitigate risks, our AI trading network employs a diversified range of investment strategies. This approach reduces dependency on specific market trends and enhances the resilience of our trading network over time. Diversification is a key element of our long-term sustainability strategy.

6. *Continuous Innovation and Adaptation:*
   We understand that the financial markets are dynamic and subject to constant change. Our commitment to continuous innovation ensures that our AI systems evolve with market trends. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements, we position ourselves to adapt and thrive in the ever-changing landscape of financial markets.

7. *Community Building and Education:*
   Building a strong and informed community is integral to our long-term success. We invest in educational initiatives to empower our network members with a deeper understanding of our AI trading systems and the financial markets. A knowledgeable and engaged community is more likely to contribute to the sustained growth and success of our company.

By combining these strategies, our AI trading network marketing company aims to establish a foundation for long-term sustainability, providing value to our network members and investors while navigating the complexities of the financial markets.

AI robots analyze market data, identify patterns, and execute trades with speed and precision, making it possible to react to market changes and seize trading opportunities more efficiently.

An AI robot, also known as an algorithmic trading system, is a computer program that uses artificial intelligence and data analysis to make automated trading decisions in financial markets.

AI robots for trades offer speed, emotional discipline, and data-driven precision, enabling efficient, consistent, and 24/7 trading with reduced human error and enhanced risk management.

AI robots can be adapted to various markets and asset classes, including stocks, forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, provided that the necessary data and algorithms are in place.

Yes, we are open to optimizing the affiliate program conditions to ensure the sustainability of the company. Implementing strategic adjustments, including the application of padlocks, will be considered to maintain a balanced and robust affiliate ecosystem aligned with the long-term goals of the company.

Absolutely, as part of our strategic financial planning, we maintain a diverse pool of liquidity that extends beyond contributions from networkers and the community. Our commitment to financial stability involves collaborating with esteemed liquidity providers. While the specific details of these partnerships are proprietary, rest assured that these providers are reputable institutions with a proven track record in the financial industry. This approach enables us to ensure ample liquidity, bolstering the reliability and resilience of our operations for the benefit of our networkers and the community.

Regrettably, due to the proprietary nature of our trading algorithms and to maintain a competitive edge in the market, we do not disclose real-time information on blockchain addresses or live trades. Our priority is to safeguard the integrity of our trading strategies and protect the interests of our networkers. However, we are committed to transparency within the bounds of industry standards and legal compliance. Periodic updates and comprehensive reports on the project's performance will be provided to ensure our community stays well-informed about the progress and success of our AI trading initiatives.

We understand the importance of substantiating our use of artificial intelligence in trading. While specific algorithmic details are proprietary, we provide evidence through comprehensive performance reports, showcasing the consistent application of advanced trading strategies. Our success is rooted in the continuous refinement of cutting-edge AI algorithms, enabling us to adapt to market dynamics. Additionally, we may periodically share insights into the innovative technologies employed, demonstrating our commitment to transparency and the integration of artificial intelligence in our trading activities.

As a forward-thinking AI trading network marketing company, our growth strategy is multifaceted. Leveraging digital channels, we employ targeted online marketing campaigns to reach a global audience. Social media platforms, content marketing, and strategic partnerships form integral components of our outreach efforts. Additionally, we invest in educational initiatives, hosting webinars and producing informative content to engage and empower our community. Continuous innovation in marketing technologies ensures our approach remains dynamic, allowing us to adapt to emerging trends and sustain organic growth in the competitive landscape.

Initiating our trading operations involves a meticulous assessment of market conditions and risk factors. While the specific liquidity threshold is proprietary, we strategically allocate funds to ensure responsible and effective trading. This approach allows us to navigate the dynamic nature of financial markets while optimizing performance for the benefit of our networkers. Our commitment to sound financial management underscores the foundation of our trading operations, providing stability and resilience in the execution of our AI-driven strategies.

.As part of our strategic expansion initiatives, we are actively considering the possibility of registering and opening offices in Africa. Recognizing the continent's growing importance in the global market, we aim to establish a local presence to better serve our community and partners. This expansion aligns with our commitment to fostering inclusivity and accessibility in the regions we operate. While specific details are still in the planning stages, we look forward to exploring opportunities that contribute to the growth and success of our network and the broader African market.

As a leading AI trading network marketing company, our differentiators lie in the innovative application of cutting-edge technologies, particularly our proprietary artificial intelligence algorithms. These advanced algorithms enable us to adapt swiftly to market trends and optimize trading strategies for sustained profitability.

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to transparency, community engagement, and continuous improvement. We prioritize open communication with our network and stakeholders, providing regular updates and comprehensive insights into our operations.

To avoid the pitfalls faced by some companies in the market, we employ stringent risk management protocols, ensuring a balanced and responsible approach to trading. Additionally, our commitment to regulatory compliance and ethical business practices safeguards the long-term interests of our networkers and investors.

Our proactive stance toward industry challenges, coupled with a dedication to innovation and a robust risk management framework, positions us to thrive in the competitive landscape. By learning from industry lessons and staying agile in the face of change, we are confident in our ability to deliver sustained success and avoid the pitfalls encountered by others in the market.

Here are few steps to help you reset/change your email address: 

From Dashboard select MENU to locate MY ACCOUNT

Step1: From options select Change Email

Step 2: Input Email address and Save

Step 3: Insert and Save the verification code sent to your Email address.

Follow the steps below in order to change your password,
Step 1: Click on Forget password and provide your registered email.

Step 2: You will get a recovery mail to change the password.

No, you can’t because it will affect your tree network. However, you can block your account. Contact admin at: help@capital40.com (Enter BLOCK MY ACCOUNT in the subject of your email)

An SSL Web server certificate is a certificate that authenticates the identity of a Web site to browser users and enables encrypted communications using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology is a security protocol. It is today’s de-facto standard for securing communications and transactions across the Internet. SSL has been implemented in all the major browsers and Web servers, and as such, plays a major role in today’s e-commerce and e-business activities on the Web.

The SSL protocol uses digital certificates to create a secure, confidential communications “pipe” between two entities. Data transmitted over an SSL connection cannot be tampered with or forged without the two parties becoming immediately aware of the tampering. The newest version of the SSL standard has been renamed TLS (Transport Layer Security). We have a very secure network. We use the following Securities and standards such as SSL.


We use a cold wallet which is a highly secure storage solution for cryptocurrencies. Unlike 'hot wallets,' which are connected to the internet and are more vulnerable to online threats, cold wallets are offline, meaning they are not actively connected to the web.

Here's why this matters:

Enhanced Security: Funds in a cold wallet are protected from online hacking and cyberattacks, as they are not exposed to the internet.

Full Control: You have full control over the private keys necessary to access and manage your funds. This control prevents unauthorized access.

 Storage: We ensure that the cold wallet is physically secure, adding an extra layer of protection against theft.

Backup and Recovery: We maintain secure backups of the wallet's private keys in multiple locations to prevent the risk of loss.

 of Mind: Using a cold wallet adds an extra layer of security to your earnings, giving you peace of mind that your hard-earned funds are protected.

Withdrawals will be paid Monday to Friday and Binary will be paid ONLY on Thursdays.

The mentioned ROI percentage in your selected package is weekly. You can calculate daily ROI from the following formula:

(Amount invested *ROI = 1.14) / 7 days

Here’s an outline for Capital40 that details how it makes money through its AI bot trading system across cryptocurrency, commodities, and forex markets, along with its reinvestment strategy for sustained growth and profitability:

Capital40: Innovating Financial Markets with AI-Powered Trading

Company Overview:  
Capital40 is a forward-thinking financial technology firm specializing in AI-based trading systems that generate profits across the cryptocurrency, commodities, and forex markets. The company's proprietary AI trading bot leverages advanced algorithms, real-time data analysis, and automation to optimize trades and capitalize on market volatility, ensuring consistent profits.

How Capital40 Makes Money

1. AI-Driven Trading 
Capital40’s core business model revolves around its proprietary AI bot designed to trade in three main financial markets:  

- Cryptocurrency Markets: The AI bot operates on platforms such as Binance, Coinbase, and other crypto exchanges, where it continuously tracks and analyzes market data. The bot identifies profitable entry and exit points by predicting price movements for popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and smaller altcoins.
- Commodities Markets: In commodities trading, the AI bot monitors the supply and demand dynamics of assets such as gold, oil, and agricultural products. By employing pattern recognition and real-time data feeds, the bot efficiently executes trades that capitalize on price fluctuations driven by geopolitical events, weather patterns, or economic reports.

- Forex Markets: The forex market, known for its high liquidity and daily trading volumes, provides the perfect environment for Capital40’s bot to thrive. The bot trades major currency pairs (e.g., EUR/USD, GBP/JPY), using technical analysis and economic indicators to exploit short-term price movements. The ability to place trades around the clock in the 24/5 forex market allows Capital40 to maintain continuous profit generation.

Revenue Mechanism:
- Algorithmic High-Frequency Trading (HFT): Capital40’s AI bot engages in high-frequency trading by making multiple trades in milliseconds, capturing small gains across hundreds or thousands of trades that accumulate into significant daily profits.
- Arbitrage Trading: The AI bot detects price discrepancies between exchanges or markets, enabling it to execute arbitrage trades. For instance, when the price of Bitcoin differs slightly between two exchanges, the bot buys low and sells high, profiting from the differential.

- Leverage and Margin Trading: The AI bot uses leverage to trade larger positions than its capital allows. This increases the potential profits from small market movements. The risk is carefully managed using stop-loss mechanisms and volatility assessments, ensuring profits outweigh risks.

2. Client Subscription and Profit Sharing 
Capital40 also offers a subscription service where institutional investors and retail traders can access the AI bot. Clients benefit from the bot’s ability to execute trades autonomously, freeing them from the need to monitor markets constantly. Capital40 generates additional revenue through:

- Monthly Subscription Fees: Clients pay a fixed monthly fee to use the AI bot, depending on the range of markets and customization options they choose.
- Performance-Based Fees: In addition to subscriptions, Capital40 charges a percentage of profits made by clients using the bot. This aligns the company’s success with its clients, as Capital40 only profits when its clients see returns (e.g., 15-25% of profits generated).

3. Proprietary Trading Desk  
Capital40 also operates a proprietary trading desk, where the company uses its own funds to trade in cryptocurrency, commodities, and forex markets. All profits generated by the trading desk go directly to Capital40, creating an additional revenue stream beyond client subscriptions and fees.


Reinvestment Strategy for Long-Term Profitability

1. Continuous AI and Algorithm Development  
Capital40 reinvests a portion of its profits into improving the performance of its AI bot. The focus areas include:

- Machine Learning Enhancements: By investing in machine learning R&D, the AI bot continuously learns from market patterns, improving its accuracy and performance. The use of deep learning models enhances the bot’s ability to predict market moves and adapt to changing market conditions.
- Advanced Risk Management: Capital40 invests in the development of risk management algorithms that adjust trading strategies dynamically based on market volatility and unforeseen events. This reduces exposure to risk while maintaining profitability.

2. Expansion into New Markets and Asset Classes
To diversify its revenue streams, Capital40 reinvests in expanding the AI bot’s capabilities to cover additional asset classes, such as:

- Stock Markets: Developing capabilities for stock market trading, enabling the AI bot to trade equities and ETFs.
- Futures and Options: Adding futures and options trading to the AI bot’s portfolio allows Capital40 to access more complex, high-profit trades.

- Global Market Expansion: Capital40 targets new geographic regions to increase its market presence. By reinvesting in business development and international partnerships, the company aims to bring its AI bot to emerging markets where demand for automated trading is growing.

3. Infrastructure and Technology Scalability  
Capital40 invests heavily in scaling its technological infrastructure. This includes:

- High-Performance Computing (HPC): To process vast amounts of market data in real time, Capital40 invests in cloud computing resources and HPC systems. This ensures the AI bot can handle higher trading volumes and respond to market changes within milliseconds.
- Data Acquisition and Analytics: The company continuously upgrades its data collection systems to gather more comprehensive market data, enhancing the AI bot’s accuracy in trade decisions.

4. Investment in Blockchain and DeFi Innovations  
Since a significant portion of Capital40’s revenue comes from cryptocurrency markets, the company reinvests in emerging blockchain technologies and decentralized finance (DeFi) projects. This allows Capital40 to stay at the forefront of crypto innovations, offering more efficient trading solutions and exploring potential new revenue streams through tokenization, staking, and yield farming.

5. Customer Acquisition and Marketing  
To attract a wider audience of institutional and retail clients, Capital40 reinvests profits into marketing and customer acquisition strategies. This includes:

- Strategic Partnerships: Building partnerships with exchanges, brokers, and financial institutions to expand its reach in the markets it trades.
- Global Brand Expansion: Reinvesting in a global marketing campaign helps Capital40 establish itself as a leading name in AI trading technology, appealing to clients worldwide.


Capital40 generates revenue through its AI bot’s high-frequency trading in cryptocurrency, commodities, and forex markets. It offers subscription and profit-sharing models to clients while operating a proprietary trading desk to enhance its profitability. By reinvesting in AI development, market expansion, and cutting-edge technologies, Capital40 ensures continued growth and long-term profitability in the competitive world of algorithmic trading.

Here’s a detailed Minimum Disclosure Document (MDD) for Capital40, a company utilizing an AI bot trading system for cryptocurrency, commodities, and forex markets:

Capital40 Minimum Disclosure Document (MDD)  
Effective Date: 02/01/2023


1. Company Overview

Company Name: Capital40  
Headquarters: 1139 Budapest, Vai ut 99. Balance Hall 3. em. 
Website: https://capital40.com/
Contact Information: https://capital40.com/contact-us

Capital40 is an innovative fintech company that operates AI-driven trading systems to generate consistent returns across multiple financial markets, including cryptocurrency, commodities, and forex markets. Our advanced AI bot employs cutting-edge algorithms, real-time data analysis, and sophisticated risk management techniques to identify and act on profitable trading opportunities across global markets.


2. Trading Strategy

Overview of Markets:  
Capital40’s AI bot operates in three core financial markets:  

a) Cryptocurrency Markets
- Capital40 trades a wide range of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and smaller altcoins.  
- The bot executes high-frequency trades, exploiting rapid price fluctuations in the volatile cryptocurrency market.  
- Trading is conducted 24/7, as cryptocurrency markets never close.

b) Commodities Markets
- The AI bot trades physical commodities like gold, oil, silver, and agricultural products.  
- It uses economic indicators, geopolitical factors, and supply-demand dynamics to identify trading opportunities.  
- The bot can execute both short and long positions, depending on market conditions and trend analysis.

c) Forex Markets  
- Capital40’s AI bot trades major and minor currency pairs, such as EUR/USD, GBP/JPY, and AUD/NZD.  
- The bot reacts to macroeconomic news, interest rate changes, and political events to capture price swings in the highly liquid forex market.  
- Forex trading takes place 24/5, allowing the AI bot to exploit global market opportunities continuously.

Trading Techniques and Strategies:  
- High-Frequency Trading (HFT): The AI bot engages in high-frequency trades, executing a large number of trades within milliseconds to take advantage of small price differentials.  
- Trend Following: The bot identifies upward and downward market trends and positions trades to follow these movements.  
- Arbitrage Trading: The bot executes arbitrage trades by identifying price discrepancies across different markets or exchanges, earning risk-free profits.  
- Leverage Trading: Capital40’s AI bot uses leveraged positions to amplify potential gains, while risk management algorithms ensure protection from excessive losses.


3. Key Risks

While Capital40 aims to generate consistent profits, all trading activities involve risk. The following risks should be considered before engaging with Capital40’s services:

a) Market Volatility Risk
- Cryptocurrency, commodities, and forex markets are known for their volatility. Prices can fluctuate rapidly, which may result in significant losses.  

b) Liquidity Risk  
- In certain conditions, such as market disruptions or extreme volatility, liquidity may dry up, making it difficult to execute trades without incurring significant price slippage.

c) Leverage Risk  
- Leverage amplifies both potential gains and losses. Trading with leverage can result in significant losses, particularly in volatile markets.

d) Execution Risk  
- While Capital40’s AI bot operates in real time, delays in execution due to technological constraints, exchange outages, or other unforeseen events could result in missed trading opportunities or suboptimal trade execution.

e) Regulatory Risk 
- Cryptocurrency markets, in particular, are subject to evolving regulatory landscapes. Changes in regulations could affect Capital40’s ability to trade certain assets or continue operations in specific jurisdictions.

f) Technological Risk  
- AI systems are susceptible to technical failures, algorithmic errors, or cyber-attacks, which may lead to financial losses.

g) Counterparty Risk  
- In the event of a default or failure of exchanges, brokers, or other counterparties, Capital40 may be unable to recover invested funds or assets.


4. Fees and Charges

Capital40 charges a combination of subscription-based fees and performance-based fees. These fees are outlined below:

a) Subscription Fees  
Capital40 offers a subscription model for access to the AI bot. Subscription fees are fixed and payable on a monthly or annual basis.

- Basic Plan: $[Insert Amount] per month – Access to limited markets (e.g., cryptocurrency only).  
- Premium Plan: $[Insert Amount] per month – Access to all markets (cryptocurrency, commodities, forex).

b) Performance Fees  
Capital40 charges a performance-based fee on profits generated by the AI bot. This ensures alignment of interests between Capital40 and its clients.

- Performance Fee: 20% of net profits (based on the "high watermark" principle – clients only pay fees on new profits above previous high-profit levels).  
- No Profit, No Fee: If no profits are generated, no performance fees are charged.

c) Transaction and Withdrawal Fees  
Clients may incur transaction fees from third-party exchanges and brokers, which are not charged by Capital40 but may affect overall profitability. Withdrawal fees from exchanges are borne by the client.


5. Performance Disclosure

Historical Performance  
Capital40 provides historical performance data as a reference but emphasizes that **past performance is not indicative of future results**. Markets fluctuate, and the AI bot’s performance can vary based on market conditions.

Performance Example (Last 12 Months):
| Market Segment     | Average Monthly Return | Annualized Return | Volatility |
|--------------------            |------------------------                  |-------------------             |------------|
| Cryptocurrency       | 9.2%                                      | 110.4%                      | High       
| Commodities           | 4.5%                                      | 54%                            | Medium     
| Forex                          | 3.8%                                      | 45.6%                         | Medium     
These figures are for illustrative purposes and do not guarantee future results.


6. Reinvestment Strategy

Capital40 reinvests a portion of its profits into continuous development and expansion:

a) AI and Algorithm Enhancements  
- Machine Learning: Ongoing investment in machine learning allows the AI bot to improve prediction accuracy and adapt to new market conditions.  
- Risk Management Algorithms: Enhanced risk control mechanisms are developed to protect client investments and minimize exposure to potential losses.

b) Infrastructure Development  
- Capital40 invests in advanced infrastructure, including high-performance computing (HPC) systems and cloud-based data storage, to scale its operations and handle larger trade volumes with minimal latency.

c) Market Expansion  
- Capital40 plans to extend its AI bot to new markets such as equity markets, options, and futures trading, further diversifying revenue streams and trading opportunities.


7. Client Eligibility and Suitability

Capital40’s services are suitable for:

- Retail Investors: Individuals seeking automated, data-driven trading systems with a high tolerance for market volatility and risk.  
- Institutional Investors: Hedge funds, family offices, and other professional investors looking for AI-powered trading to enhance portfolio performance.

Eligibility Requirements  
- Minimum Investment: $[Insert Amount]  
- Knowledge of Risks: Clients must fully understand the risks involved in AI-driven, leveraged trading and market volatility.


8. Reporting and Client Communication

Client Reporting  
Capital40 provides clients with real-time updates on their portfolio performance via an online dashboard and mobile app. Monthly performance reports are sent to clients, detailing all trades, profits, and fees incurred.

Capital40 offers 24/7 customer support via phone, email, and live chat. Dedicated account managers are available for institutional clients.


9. Regulatory Disclosures

Regulatory Compliance  
Capital40 operates under the regulatory framework of [Insert Regulatory Body] and complies with all relevant financial and operational requirements. The company’s trading activities are fully transparent, and Capital40 undergoes regular audits to ensure compliance and transparency.

AML/KYC Compliance  
Capital40 is committed to complying with anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations. All clients must undergo verification procedures before accessing services.


10. Legal Disclaimer

The information in this document is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. All trading activities carry inherent risk, including the risk of losing principal investment. Capital40 does not guarantee future returns, and clients should only invest funds they are willing to lose. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


For more information, visit https://capital40.com/ or contact us at https://capital40.com/contact-us
A PDF Document of the MDD is available upon request.


Capital40 © 2023  

Capital40 pays extra bonus through a binary level work structure. A binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children, which are referred to as the left child and the right child.

There are three ways to refer an individual. You may

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Sr. No.


Referral (in %)

Business Vol. (in $ on Weaker Leg)





13 %


Ranking Certificate






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 $100K CASH

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 $300K or AI company start-up

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 $600K or Fully Automated Smart Penthouse

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 $1.2M Or Swiss bank account

1 Chief Director oneach leg

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 $2M or Electric car Pininfarina ‘Battista’ hypercar

1 President on each leg

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15.5 %


 $4M or A fully automated Luxurious smart home

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16 %


 $8M or Company stake

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